For Investigators


Investigators seeking services provided through the IDDRC Cores can make a request through the Requisition Management and evaluation system (ReqMan). ReqMan allows potential users communicate to the appropriate core manager and staff. Access for investigators is available through the central authentication login sites for University of Kansas and KU Medical Center staff.


Because NIH-funded Centers are subject to regular reviews with respect to impact and productivity, we request that KIDDRC investigators provide attribution in all publications or presentations where KIDDRC services or resources supported the research described. An appropriate attribution is: Supported by the Kansas IDDRC, U54 HD090216

In cases where KIDDRC core staff contributed to the intellectual development of the project, provided input beyond that which would have been otherwise possible by the investigator's team, or authored any component of the text, authorship on the resulting manuscript or abstract is appropriate.

PubMed Assistance

For assistance with placements in PubMed central, contact Grant Coordinator Amy Patty at on the Lawrence Campus.